Paolo Villoresi  - Curriculum Vitæ


Born in Treviso, Italy, in 1962, he studied Physics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Padova.

He is a Full Professor of Physics (Professore Ordinario) at the University of Padova, where he currently teaches Quantum Optics and related subjects.

Director and Founding member of the Padua Quantum Technologies Research Center.

Member of the Board of Stakeholders of the European Technological platform Photonics21

National delegate for Action COST Nanoscale Quantum Optics

Deputy National Delegate for COST Action Quantum Physics in Space

Member of the Executive Board of Department of Information Engineering, UniPD.
Member of the Advisory Committee of Scientific and Technological institutions.


Selected current research activities in Experimental Quantum Communications, as Group coordinator:

·      Principal investigator for the I-QKD Italian quantum communication in-orbit validation satellite (Italian Space Agency)

·      OpenQKD EU Testbed for Quantum Communications - Italian node coordinator.

·      Project coordinator for three development projects on Space Quantum Communication payload for the Italian Space Agency (2016-2022).

·      Development and patenting of Quantum Random Number Generators QRNG – 17 Gbps record rate generated so far. (2014-2019)

·      First demonstration of Quantum Communications from an orbiting transmitter on a LEO satellite using polarization and temporal degrees of freedom (2010-2016).

·      Fundamental experiments in wave-particle duality of photons in Space: Wheeler "Delayed Choice" experiment (2016-2017).

·      Q-Space Experiment: first demonstration of single-photon link between a satellite and the Earth (2003-2008).

·      Canary 143 km Inter-island link experiment: Experimental demonstration of Quantum Key Distribution with mitigation of turbulence effects (2010-2015)

·      Single photon exchange from a MEO satellite (2015).

·      Aberration cancellation in quantum interferometry (2006-2009)

·      Adaptive optics for entanglement generation and control (2008-2014)



Past research activities includes:


·      Experimental study of the interaction of matter with radiation, in the area of ultrashort and ultrafast laser pulses: strongly nonlinear optical effects as high-order laser harmonics generation and optical ionization;

·      Phenomena depending on the absolute phase of the radiation, asymmetry in the multiphoton ionization, researches in the generation and characterization of attosecond pulses, (1997-2013).

·      Adaptive optics application in ultrafast pulse generation (2008-2013)




Author of more than a hundred seventy publications on peer-refereed journals, including Nature and Science, on encyclopaedia and editor of 2 books. Coauthor of more than 200 congresses contribution in the areas of Quantum Communication, Quantum Optics, laser-matter interaction and Atomic and Plasma Physics.


He served as supervisor of 17 PhD project (3 in progress), 7 as co-supervisor (4 in progress) and supervisor of 88 Master students (3 in progress).


Invited speaker in all continents and Referee for research projects internationally.

He is an Associate Editor of Scientific Reports (Nature Pub.)


Served as coordinator in several national and international research projects, including the area of quantum communication, attosecond Physics, application of laser in Medicine and Industry.


Coauthor of 12 industrial patents and patent applications on topics ranging from technological and medical applications of lasers and optics to practical exploitation of quantum processes.


Awards and Prizes

- Winner of the first prize, with team VIVA, of STARTCUP 2002 - L'idea diventa impresa, the first competition among Italian Universities on best proposal that exploits for business a research idea, July 4, 2002, now Premio Nazionale per l’Innovazione.

- Selected for one of the 20 ideas of national relevance for the 2nd National Day for the Research, Rome, Oct. 1, 2003.

- Winner of the first prize ex-aequo of the 4-th Premio Regionale per lInnovazione on July 7, 2004.

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