Who is Andrea Facchinetti?
Born in Padova on July 27th, 1981.
Laurea Quinquennale (summa cum laude) degree in Information Engineering received on October 24, 2005.
- Title: "Sviluppo di software per la bioingegneria della postura e del movimento e la gestione dei dati di pazienti affetti dalla patologia del piede diabetico".
- Advisor: Prof. C. Cobelli (University of Padova)
Ph.D. in Bioengineering received from the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, on March 12, 2009.
- Title: "On-Line Filtering Algorithms for Continuous Glucose Monitoring".
- Advisor: Prof. C. Cobelli (University of Padova)
- Download it: My Ph.D. thesis
From January 2009 to March 2014, Postdoctoral Fellow in Bioengineering (ING-INF/06) at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova.
From April 2014, Assistant Professor in Bioengineering (ING-INF/06)at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova.
Research Interests
I am working on several projects, all related to processing of data from continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensors:
- Algorithms for signal denoising (Kalman filters, Bayesing smoothing, etc.)
- Strategies for the reductions/elimination of calibrations in CGM sensors based on Bayesing approaches
- Algorithm for the real-time detection of hypo/hyperglycemic events (neural networks, parametric and nonparametric approaches, etc.)
- Modeling the error of CGM data
- Modeling of transient faults in CGM data and algorithm for their real-time detection
- Development of a type 1 diabetes simulator to test the efficaty of decision making based on CGM data
- Linear and nonlinear techniques for the analysis of glucose variability
Contact Info
Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova (Italy)
Via Gradenigo 6/B
35131 Padova (PD), Italy
Tel.: +39-049-8277669
Fax.: +39-049-8277826
e-mail: andrea.facchinetti@dei.unipd.it
homepage: www.dei.unipd.it/~facchine/