Filippo Carnovalini

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About me

I am a Research Assistant (post-Doc) at the Computational Sonology Centre of the Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Padova. There, I research how computers can try to be creative, and help human creatively.

In June 2022 I defended my PhD Thesis at the school of Brain, Mind and Computer Science, University of Padua.

In September 2018 I graduated cum laude at the master degree in Computer Science from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padua, where I also got my bachelor degree.

Aside from the University, I had a musical education at the Conservatory "Cesare Pollini" where I attended the Base Course in Mandolin. In my spare time I also like to fold Origamis, and I co-founded the university theatre group "Beolco-Ruzzante".



Computational Creativity is a multidisciplinary field that unites Computer Scientists, Engineers, Philosophers, Psychologists and Artists with the common goal of understanding how human creativity works, and if it can be replicated on a machine. When applied to the field of music, one of the most common questions is whether a computer is capable of composing music on its own.

My studies focus on Music Generation, based on the automated study of hierarchical structures in music, hoping to create a meta-description level of melodic and harmonic structures that can help create music by computer that is both novel and human-like, keeping in mind human cognition.

I am also interested in how Music and Computational Creativity can offer new models for Human-Computer Interaction, to make computers be perceived more human and to make sure that Algorithmic Creativity keeps the human at the center.

Recently, I also started studying how Creativity can interact with Recommender Systems.

Selected Publications

  • Filippo Carnovalini and Antonio Rodà. 2020. Computational Creativity and Music Generation Systems: An Introduction to the State of the Art. In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3, 14. Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1145/3243274.3243301
  • Filippo Carnovalini, Antonio Rodà, and Paolo Caneva. 2022. A rhythm-aware serious game for social interaction. In Multimedia Tools and Applications. Springer, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-022-13372-3
  • Filippo Carnovalini, Nicholas Harley, Steven T. Homer, Antonio Rodà and Geraint A. Wiggins. 2021. Meta-Evaluating Quantitative Internal Evaluation: a Practical Approach for Developers. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Creativity. México (Virtual). ISBN: 78-989-54160-3-5
  • Federico Simonetta, Filippo Carnovalini, Nicola Orio, and Antonio Rodà. 2018. Symbolic Music Similarity through a Graph-Based Representation. In Audio Mostly 2018: Sound in Immersion and Emotion. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3243274.3243301


If you want to contact me, you can send me an email at filippo.carnovalini [at]

If you are instead interested in my theatre group, here is a link to the Compagnia Ruzzante website (in Italian).