### Model for comparison with IVGTT Minimal model ### Solve first with fixglu=1 to steady-state, and use this state as initial condition for your simulation such as in Fig. 2 # IVGTT minimal model approximation X'=Y-m*X Y'=alpha*(Yinf-Y) ### # comment out if you don't have IVGTT glucose data - you can use the exponential G description as surrogate table GGG gluXPP_IVGTT.dat par fixglu=0, glu0=4.9127222 G=(1-fixglu)*GGG(t)+fixglu*18*glu0 #G=(1-fixglu)*18*(glu0+(17.2-glu0)*exp(-t/30))+fixglu*18*glu0 aux glu=G % [1..500] h[j]'=pplus*I*phi([j])-pminus*h[j]-fplus*h[j]*Heav(G-[j]) % F'=fplus*(sum(0,G-1)of(shift(h1,i'))) -m*F aux actRRP=(sum(0,G-1)of(shift(h1,i'))) ### 43 changes ug/pancreas/4L blood to pM [= 1e6/(4*5808) ] par SecrBase=0.58 secr= m*F + SecrBase aux SR=secr I'=Mob - r*I - pplus*I +pminus*(sum(0,499)of(shift(h1,i'))) I(0)=311 Mob=M0+c*(G^nM)/(KmM^nM+G^nM) aux m=mob phi(ggg)=nH*max(0,ggg-90)^(nH-1)*(KmH-90)^nH/((KmH-90)^nH+max(0,ggg-90)^nH)^2 par nH=3, KmH=130 !ppp=phi(200) # Fitted to Grodsky 1972 Fig 10 (KmM, nM), and adjusted to reproduce C-peptide (c, p+, p-) par tau=15, KmM=180, nM=4, c=200, M0=14, r=0.08 par pminus=0.01, pplus=0.003, k=0, fplus=6.2, m=0.62 aux RRP=(sum(0,499)of(shift(h1,i'))) @ meth=5dp, dt=1, total=100, bound=500000, maxstor=500000 @ yp=f, xp=t @ xlo=0, xhi=360, ylo=0, yhi=10, @ BUT=quit:fq, BUT=export:go ### Add Cpeptide for control ### 43 changes ug/pancreas/4L blood to pM [= 1e6/(4*5808) ] par k21=0.0559, k12=0.0492, k01=0.06, fudge=0.5 CP1'= fudge* 43*secr +k12*CP2-k21*CP1-k01*CP1 CP2'= k21*CP1-k12*CP2 ############ simplifying stuff hG=sum(0,499)of((if(abs(i'-G+1)<0.5)then(1)else(0))*shift(h1,i')) aux hG=hG #aux test=sum(0,499)of((if(abs(i'-G+1)<0.5)then(1)else(0))) PhiG=max(0,G-90)^nH /( (KmH-90)^nH + max(0,G-90)^nH ) # IVGTT minimal model approximation #X'=Y-m*X #Y'=alpha*(Yinf-Y) alpha = r+pplus*PhiG*fplus/(pminus+fplus) aux alpha=alpha Yinf = fplus*pplus*PhiG*Mob/(pminus+fplus)/alpha aux Yinf=Yinf X(0)=92.7 !X0=(pplus/(pminus+f))*311*(max(0,18*17.2 - 90)^nH /( (KmH - 90)^nH + max(0,17.2*18 - 90)^nH )) DD'=alpha*(mob/alpha-DD) aux HH=pplus*I*PhiG/(pminus+fplus) aux RX=pplus*(pminus+(1-PhiG)*fplus)/pminus/(pminus+fplus)*I done