Agosti, M. (2020). Information Access through Search Engines and Digital Libraries.
Workshop on Wonder Women in Cyber Security and in Computer Science, 28 January 2020, University of Padua, Italy
Abstract of the Invited Talk
Agosti, M. (2019). The Roots and the Tree of Information Retrieval in Italy.
10th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2019), 16-18 September 2019, University of Padua, Italy
Abstract of the Invited Talk
Agosti, M. (2019). Moderator and Panelist at the Panel on Teaching and Learning IR in Academia and Industry.
12th European Summer School in Information Retrieval (ESSIR 2019)
, 18th July 2019, Milan, Italy
Agosti, M. (2019). Workshop on Search Engines and Training Session on Search Engine and Search Engine Optimization.
ReIReS DH Course: Digital Humanities and Religious Sciences in Italy
, 4th July 2019, Fscire, Bologna, Italy
Agosti, M. (2019). Panelist at the Panel on Shaping the Digital Library Research Agenda.
15th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (IRCDL 2019)
, 1st February 2019, Pisa, Italy
Agosti, M. (2018). The Confluence in Digital Humanities: the Computer Scientist, the Digital Humanist, and the Final User.
Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities 2018 (COMHUM 2018), 4-5 June 2018, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Abstract of the Invited Talk
Agosti, M. (2017). Digital Libraries: Models and Systems.
Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK), Inaugural Opening Events,
24 October 2017, University of Bologna, Italy
Agosti, M. (2017). Behind the Scenes of Research and Innovation.
Tony Kent Strix Annual Lecture - 2017 - The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, UK, 20 October 2017, London, UK.
Link to the slides of the 2017 Strix Annual Lecture
Link to the video of the 2017 Strix Annual Lecture
Link to the Web page of the ISKO UK Proceedings of Third Tony Kent Strix Annual Lecture, 20 October 2017, given by Maristella Agosti, Winner of the Award in 2016
Agosti, M. (2016). Information access through search engines and digital libraries: past, present, and future.
Distinguished Speaker - Oxford Women in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK,
21 January 2016, Oxford, UK
Agosti, M. (2015). Panelist at the Panel on Digital Libraries and Digital Archives: Problems and Challenges for AI Approaches.
1st AI*IA Workshop on Intelligent Techniques At LIbraries and Archives (IT@LIA 2015),
22 September 2015, Ferrara, Italy
Agosti, M. and Ferro, N. (2015). Digital Annotations: Why, What, and How.
Panel on Speech audio archives: preservation, restoration, annotation, aimed at supporting the linguistic analysis, Accademia Nazionali dei Lincei, Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare "Beniamino Segre",
14 September 2015, Rome, Italy
Agosti, M. (2014). SVETPET: Un link tra epidemiologia e clinica.
Le malattie del pancreas esocrino nel cane e nel gatto. Clinica ed epidemiologia, due facce della stessa medaglia - Aula Magna Pentagono, Agripolis,
22 novembre 2014, Legnaro - Padua, Italy
Agosti, M. and Ferro, N. (2014). Database e information retrieval.
Il documento elettronico. Oltre le norme per condividere buone pratiche - Workshop annuale a cura di Anai, Sezione Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta, Lingotto - Aula Magna del Politecnico,
28 October 2014, Turin, Italy
Agosti, M. (2014). Obiettivo utente: l'applicazione del digitale negli archivi e nelle biblioteche.
Giornata di studio "Beni culturali e digitalizzazione" - Comune di Padova, Università degli Studi di Padova, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Regione del Veneto - Auditorium San Gaetano,
24 February 2014, Padua, Italy
Agosti, M. (2012). Il ruolo della ricerca per la ideazione e lo sviluppo di sistemi e infrastrutture per gli archivi.
La primavera archivistica 2012, Aula Tafuri, IUAV, 14 May 2012, Venice, Italy.
Agosti, M. (2012). The Role of Research for the Development of the Digital Cultural Heritage.
DC-NET International Final Conference, Sala Convegni Santa Marta, Piazza del Collegio Romano,
8 March 2012, Rome, Italy
Agosti, M. and Ferro, N. (2012). Esperienze sulle infrastrutture e loro valutazione.
Infrastruttura Open Access Italiana, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze - Sala Michelangelo,
29 February 2012, Florence, Italy
Agosti, M., Mariani Canova, G., Orio, N. and Ponchia, C. (2011). Una nuova generazione di sistemi di gestione e conservazione di risorse digitali del patrimonio culturale grazie al coinvolgimento di diverse comunità di utenti.
XI Seminario annuale di Tecnologie dell'informazione, Accademia Galileiana,
6 December 2011, Padua, Italy
Agosti, M. (2011). La comunicazione e la mediazione informatica dell'archivio.
Prima Giornata Regionale degli Archivi, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana,
25 November 2011, Venice, Italy
Agosti, M. (2011). Digital Annotations: a Way for Users to Create and Share Contents over Cultural Heritage Artifacts.
International Seminar on "Sharing cultural heritage of University Museums: a participatory approach", Palazzo dell'Università, Aula Magna,
10 June 2011, Modena, Italy
Agosti, M. (2010). Annotations as a means for enhancing collaboration in eScience infrastructures (Keynote Address).
19th Hellenic Conference of Academic Libraries,
3-5 November 2010, Athens, Greece
Agosti, M. (2010). The great research challenges for the Digital Library and the DIS communities in the next decade.
Working Group on Data and Information Spaces, 2nd Workshop on Large scale and federated information spaces,
20 May 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Agosti, M. (2010). Metadati e archivi: interoperabilità e interscambio tra sistemi.
La primavera archivistica 2010, Palazzo Bo, Sala dell'Archivio antico,
26 April 2010, Padua, Italy
Agosti, M. (2010). Digital Annotations and Digital Libraries (conférence invitée).
CORIA and CIFED Conferences,
18-20 March 2010, Sousse, Tunisia
Agosti, M. (2010). A Contribution to the State of the Art of the Research in Italy in the Cultural Domain and Digital Libraries.
Italian Working Group DC-Net, Roma, Italy,
5 February 2010, Rome, Italy
Agosti, M. (2009). I metadati: approcci e prospettive per l'interscambio e l'interoperabilità fra sistemi nella prospettiva nazionale ed europea (Panelist at the Panel on "Standard e metadati"). Seconda conferenza
nazionale degli archivi: fare sistema,
19-21 November 2009, Bologna, Italy
Agosti, M. (2009). Modelli e strumenti per le biblioteche digitali. Risorse digitali per le scienze umane: strategie e tecniche di produzione, modalità di gestione, esempi d'uso,
8 October 2009, Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Padova, Italy
Agosti, M. (2009). Social Annotations and their Strategic Relevance for Library Systems and Research Libraries (Invited Talk). LIBER 38th Annual General Conference,
30 June 2009, University of Toulouse, France
Agosti, M. (2008). CLEF Evaluation: A Long Term IR Evaluation Initiative in Continuous Evolution. nformation Retrieval Facility Symposium 2008,
7 November 2008, Vienna, Austria
Agosti, M. (2007). Information Access through Digital Library Systems (Invited Talk). ICADL 2007,
11 December 2007, Hanoi, Vietnam
Agosti, M. (2006). Scientific Evaluation of Digital Library Management Systems (DLMS): general issues and outcomes on information access components (Invited Talk). First International Workshop on Quality Control in Digital Libraries - QCDL2006,
28 April 2006, Udine, Italy