Program (Draft)

Sunday, September 22
15:00-20:00Check-in & Reception (“Revellino” - Via Frangipane, 6)
19:00-21:00Welcome Buffet (“Center Canteen” - Via Frangipane, 2)

Monday, September 23
07:30-08:45Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
08:30-08:45Registration (“Fresco Room” - La Rocca, Via Frangipane, 6)
09:00-09:30Processor micro-architecture: from the perspective of a practitioner
 Pratap Pattnaik (IBM Research)
09:30-10:00Preview of the REPLICA architecture and methodology
Martti Forsell (VTT Electronics)
10:00-10:30 Affordable 100PFlops systems with Multiscale Dataflow
Georgi N Gaydadjiev (Chalmers University)
11:00-11:30Twelve ways to fool the masses: fast forward to 2013
David Bailey (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories)
11:30-12:00Amdahl’s law for predicting the future of multicores considered harmful
Ben Juurlink (TU Berlin)
12:00-12:30Who is this petaflop anyway? Strong scaling matters!
Jan Treibig (University of Erlangen)
13:00-14:30Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
15:00-15:30Architecture and applications of software defined environments
Radha Ratnaparkhi (IBM Research)
15:30-16:00Openstack - Technical deep dive
Jose Castanos (IBM Research)
16:00-16:30Optimization algorithms in the automotive industry
Thomas Husslein (Optware)
17:00-18:00Discussion Session I/A: Towards 100 Petaflops.
 Coordinators: Manish Gupta, Robert Lucas, and Bernd Mohr
20:00-21:30 Dinner, La Ca’ De Be, Piazza della Libertà 10, 47032 Bertinoro (0543 444435)

Tuesday, September 24
07:30-08:45Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:00-09:30Thermal challenges in large-scale parallel computing systems
 Luca Benini (University of Bologna & ETH)
09:30-10:00Multicore energy efficiency by vectorization? Results and challenges
Lasse Natvig (NTNU)
10:00-10:30Tera-Peta-Exa-Zetta-Yotta-... : Driven by hardware vendors or driven by applications?
Carsten Trinitis (University of Munich)
11:00-13:00Discussion Session I/B: Towards 100 Petaflops.
 Coordinators: Manish Gupta, Robert Lucas, and Bernd Mohr
13:00-14:00Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
14:30-22:30Excursion to Ravenna
 Social Dinner, Grand Hotel Cesenatico, Piazza Andrea Costa 1, 47042 Cesenatico (0547 80012).

Wednesday, September 25
07:30-08:45Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:00-09:30Efficient resource-oblivious algorithms for multicores
 Vijaya Ramachandran (University of Texas at Austin)
09:30-10:00MapReduce algorithmics
 Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google)
10:00-10:30Space-efficient parallel algorithms for combinatorial search problems
Andrea Pietracaprina (University of Padova)
11:00-11:30Data access complexity: revisiting the red-blue pebble game
 Saday Sadayappan (Ohio State University)
11:30-12:00OutFlank routing: increasing throughput in toroidal interconnection networks
 Francesco Versaci (TU Wien)
12:00-12:30A lower bound technique for communication on BSP with application to the FFT
 Gianfranco Bilardi (University of Padova)
13:00-14:00Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
14:30-15:00A peek at some data analytics problems in industry
 Manish Gupta (Xerox)
15:00-15:30Watching the data flow: streaming and re-use in unstructured-mesh CFD
 Paul Kelly (Imperial College London)
15:30-16:00Parallel graph analytics in the Galois system
 Donald Nguyen (University of Texas at Austin)
16:00-16:30Open-System, adiabatic quantum annealing at the USC - Lockheed Martin Quantum Computing Center
 Bob Lucas (USC/ISI)
17:00-18:00Discussion Session II/A:Towards 100 Petaflops.
Coordinators: Paul Kelly, Keshav Pingali, Vijaya Ramachandran
18:15-19:45Visit to Bertinoro Inter-Faith Museum (La Rocca, Via Frangipane, 6)
20:00-21:30 Dinner, Casa Artusi, Via A. Costa 27/31, 47034 Forlimpopoli (0543 748049)

Thursday, September 26
07:30-08:45Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:00-09:30On the effectiveness of application-aware self-management for scientific discovery in large-scale distributed systems
 Michela Taufer (University of Delaware)
09:30-10:00Jülich - still - on the way to exascale
 Bernd Mohr (Jülich Supercomputing Center)
10:00-10:30Realizing active storage concepts for today’s and future HPC systems
 Dirk Pleiter (Jülich Supercomputing Center)
11:00-11:30Advanced scientific computing on Intel Xeon Phi
 Alexander Heinecke (University of Munich)
11:30-12:00A Uniform approach for programming distributed heterogeneous systems
 Biagio Cosenza (University of Innsbruck)
13:00-14:00Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
14:30-16:30Discussion Session II/B: Towards 100 Petaflops.
Coordinators: Paul Kelly, Keshav Pingali, Vijaya Ramachandran
19:30-21:30 Dinner, Locanda della Fortuna, Via Frangipane 1, 47032 Bertinoro (0543 444456)