Program (draft)

Note: an asterisk * near a talk title indicates the talk will be given remotely

Sunday, September 19

18:00-21:00 Check-in & Reception (Via Frangipane, 4)
19:30-21:00 Welcome Buffet (“Center Canteen” - Via Frangipane, 2)

Monday, September 20

07:30-08:45 Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:00-09:15 Registration (“Fresco Room” - La Rocca, Via Frangipane, 6)
09:15-09:30 Welcome
09:30-10:00 Balancing Conventional Optimization and Quantum Computing
Thomas Husslein (Optware, Germany)
10:00-10:30 Extending Performance and Reliability via Thread-Level Dataflow Management
Roberto Giorgi (University of Siena, Italy)
10:30-11:00 Coffee
11:00-11:30 Early Performance and Programmability Comparison of the Thick Control Flow Architecture and Current Multicore Processors
Martti Forsell (VTT, Finland)
11:30-12:00 The Surprising Dynamics of non-Lockstep Execution
Georg Hager (Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
12:00-12:30 Hardware Security and its Implications for Dependable Computing
Magnus Själander (Uppsala University)
13:00-14:00 Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
15:00-15:45 Privacy this unknown - The new design dimension of computing architecture
Mauro Conti (University of Padova, Italy)
15:45-16:30 Dependable Computing: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Jose Moreira (IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)
16:30-17:00 Coffee
17:00-17:30 Efficient Dependable Computing on Modern Platforms - A Contradiction?
Martin Schulz (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
17:30-18:30 Discussion Session I:
Coordinators: Mauro Conti, Jose Moreira
19:30-21:30 Dinner, Enoteca Bistrot Colonna, Via Mainardi 10/12, 47032 Bertinoro (0543 444333).

Tuesday, September 21

07:30-08:45 Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:30-10:00 From Norwegian Computing & IBM to Benchmarking Challenges & Autotuning
Anne C. Elster (NTNU, Norway)
10:00-10:30 Dependability in Space using FPGA-based COTS: Development of an Inference Benchmark
Amir Raoofy (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
10:30-11:00 Time Series Motif Discovery – a Probabilistic Approach
Matteo Ceccarello (Free University of Bozen, Italy)
11:00-11:30 Coffee
11:30-12:00 Democratizing Domain-Specific Architectures for Sparse Matrix Multiplication
Paolo Sylos Labini (Free University of Bozen, Italy)
12:00-12:30 Dealing with Dependencies from Different HPC User Groups - a Multi-Layered Story
Rene Jäkel (Technical University of Dresden, Germany)
13:00-14:00 Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
15:00-15:15 Greetings and Katana’s Overview*
Keshav Pingali (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
15:15-15:45 The Katana Graph Intelligence Platform*
Chris Rossbach (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
15:45-16:15 Dependability, Security and Trustworthiness in Smart Living: A Data Science Approach*
Sajal Das (Missouri University, USA)
16:15-16:45 Privacy Preserving Machine Learning*
Wei Li (Intel, USA)
17:00-17:30 Coffee
17:30-18:30 Discussion Session II: –.
Coordinators:Thomas Husslein, Martin Schulz
19:00-19:30 Bus Trip from Bertinoro to restaurant
19:30-21:30 Dinner, Ristorante Casa Artusi, Via A. Costa 31 – 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC), 0543 748049.

Wednesday, September 22

07:30-08:15 Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
08:30-11:30 Excursion to Idro – Ecomuseo delle Acque di Ridracoli
12:30-15:00 Lunch, Osteria con Locanda la Campanara,Via Borgo Pianetto 24/a, 47010 Galeata (FC), 0543 981561.
16:00-16:30 Comprehensive Design-Space Exploration for Optimizing CNN for Multicore CPUs*
Saday Sadayappan (University of Utah, USA)
16:30-17:00 Productivity, Performance, and Portability: toward cross-domain DSL*
Paul Kelly (Imperial College London, UK)
17:00-17:30 Coffee
17:30-18:00 Everyone Loves File: File Storage Service (FSS) in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure*
Bradley Kuszmaul (Google, USA)
18:00-18:30 MemComputing: Fundamentals and Applications*
Massimiliano Di Ventra (University of California, San Diego, USA)
19:30-21:30 Dinner, Center Canteen.

Thursday, September 23

07:30-08:30 Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:00-09:30 Mapping HPC Concepts to OBCs in Spaceflight
Carsten Trinitis (T.U. Munich, Germany)
09:30-10:00 Transparent Application Integrated Fault Tolerance in Parallel Programming Models
Josef Weidendorfer (Leibiniz Supercomputing Center, Germany)
10:00-10:30 Compilers for Sound Floating-Point
Jao Rivera (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
10:30-11:00 Coffee
11:00-11:30 Parallel algorithm for the simulation of the OPT cache replacement policy
Cristina Fabris (University of Padova, Italy)
11:30-12:00 Toward Micromorphic Multiphysics Porous and Particulate Materials Simulations
Henry Tufo (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
12:00-13:00 Discussion Session III: – .
Coordinators: Anne Elster, Carsten Trinitis
13:00-14:00 Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
19:30-21:30 Dinner (“Center Canteen”)