
Research Publications ABCLab Software Teaching Contacts

I currently teach:

- "Fondamenti di Informatica" (Introduction to Computer Science), a course for first year students of the bachelor degree in Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, and Information Engineering
- "Elementi di Bioinformatica", an introductory course to computational challenges in Bioinformatics (my part is related to pattern matching and data structures for sequence analysis)
- "Bioinformatics", a course for students of the master degree in Computer Engineering (my part is related to advanced algorithms for sequence analysis and compressed data structures)

All the information for students attending the courses are on the University elearning platform STEM

In the past I taught for many years the course "Informatica Teorica" (Automata, Languages and Computability), and more recently the course "Strutture Dati e Programmazione" (Data structures and Programming) for the bachelor degree in Statitics. Moreover, I taught for two years a PhD course on "Advanced algorithms and data structures for sequence analysis".

Thesis for both master and bachelor degrees are available on algorithms and data structures for the analysis and mining of sequences. Being biological sequences "naturally" digital (genetic sequences are strings over a 4 symbol alphabet!) and a great source of interesting and challenging computational problems, several thesis are on bioinformatics applications. Nevertheless, for those who are interested in other applications fields or are more theoretical, other options might be available. If interested, send me an email.

Research Publications ABCLab Software Teaching Contacts