Anna Zuccante

PhD Student

About me

I am a PhD doctoral student at University of Padua and I am currently working at the CSC (Centro di Sonologia Computazionale).

Following graduation from the scientific high school at the age of 18, given my particular interest on informatics and technology I decided to enroll in Computer Engineering course at the University of Padua.

In 2020 I obtained the bachelor degree and in April 2023 I obtained also the master degree specialising on robotics and AI.

During my five-year course of study in computer engineering I developed a growing interest in the subject of study and the great opportunities it offers. Coming out of this course, I felt a desire to learn more and to deepen what I studied in specific courses, which helped me in my decision to enroll in the Ph.D. program.

Through my degree I was able to improve skills such as teamwork, problem solving, adaptability and flexibility.

Like any engineer, I have always been intrigued by technology and how certain technologies work, and likewise, I have kept my passion for art and music alive, so in both my undergraduate and master's theses, I worked within the CSC laboratory of the DEI (Department of Information Engineering) that interchanges these two main fields.


My doctoral program covers the topic of restoring and reactivating computer based systems used for musical creativity. In particular, the main objective is to take the case of interest of the CSC to make it possible to revive its historic computer based system, which was used in the 1970s-80s for the creation of important musical works.

The term "computer based system" covers the entire apparatus used at the time: from commercial hardware and software to the CSC's proprietary hardware and software system.

Preservation of digital content and software has become of great importance in recent years, to the point that several projects have sprung up to ensure that future generations will have access to this old content.

The work done in the CSC laboratory will, therefore, not only contribute to its own interest, but will open important collaborations with other archives around the world, enriching the state of the art of research in this fledgling field.


CREATIVE AI TROPHY | WAICF 2024 [8th February, 2024]:

With Audio Innova, the CSC spin off, I won the Creative AI Trophy, the “Palme d’Or” of artificial intelligence at the World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival (WAICF) 2024, the leading global event on AI. The winning project, Now and then (and tomorrow): preserving, re-activating and sharing interactive multimedia artistic installations by means of AI and Metaverse(s), uses AI to reactivate interactive artistic installations, an art form characterised by a very short life expectancy.