Admission procedures & resources

The selection procedure of candidates to be admitted to the PhD Courses 2019/2020 has now been completed. Thanks to all who have applied for a position at the Ph.D. School in Information Engineering.

Qualification evaluation results

The results of the first part of the admission procedure (i.e., the evaluation of the candidates qualification) are reported in the following document (IMPORTANT NOTE: to decrypt the document use the password that was sent to you right after the submission of the application form):

We remind the candidates that only those who have scored at least 7/10 of the available points (i.e. 35 out of 50 points) have been admitted to the oral examinations.

Oral examination results

The results of the second part of the evaluation procedure (oral examination) are reported in the following document (IMPORTANT NOTE: to decrypt the document use the password that was sent to you right after the submission of the application form):

Please note that scores reported in this table refer to the oral examination evaluation ONLY. For information on the general ranking and the admission to the PhD Course, please refer to the following section.

General ranking and admission to the PhD Course

The general ranking will be published after approval of the University Rector starting from July 8th, 2019 on:

  • the University of Padova website:

  • the University’s official register.

Successful candidates must enrol by Agust 2nd, 2019. Information on enrolment procedures will be published at the same time as the rankings. Publication of enrolment deadlines are to be considered as official notification for all intents and purposes.

Candidates will not be directly notified. Candidates granted admission to the Courses are responsible for checking enrolment dates and procedures.