Data e Ora: 
Monday, April 20, 2015 - 12:00
Sala riunioni 318 DEI/G
Keshav Pingali

Task graphs or dependence graphs are used in runtime systems toschedule tasks for parallel execution. In problem domains such asdense linear algebra and signal processing, dependence graphs can begenerated from a program by static analysis.  However, in problemdomains such as discrete-event simulation and simulation usingasynchronous variational integrators, the set of tasks and thedependences between tasks in a program are complex functions ofruntime values and cannot be determined statically.In this talk, we introduce a novel approach for exploiting parallelismin such programs. This approach is based on a data structure calledthe kinetic dependence graph (KDG), which consists of a dependencegraph together with update rules that incrementally update the graphto reflect changes in the dependence structure whenever a task iscompleted. We have implemented a simple programming model that allowsprogrammers to write these applications at a high level ofabstraction, and a runtime within the Galois system that builds theKDG automatically and executes the program in parallel. On a suite ofprograms that are difficult to parallelize otherwise, we have obtainedspeedups of up to 33 on 40 cores, out-performing third-partyimplementations in some cases.This is joint work with Amber Hassaan and Donald Nguyen at UT Austin.            

The University of Texas at Austin