GaN Marathon 2.0 – Padova, April 27-29, 2020

loading 2020



After the success of the first two editions (2016 and 2018), we are organizing a new exciting event on gallium nitride, the GaN Marathon 2020.

Several invited speakers from all Europe (plus some from overseas) will discuss the latest advancements in GaN technology for microwave, mm-wave, 5G communications, power conversion, and optoelectronics (LEDs and lasers). Informal talks (back-to-back, as in a marathon) will be given, the discussion will be favoured by frequent breaks and social lunches/dinners.




We also encourage students/postdocs/researchers to submit their abstracts, that will be presented in oral form during the regular session. A great intermixing between invited and regular talks will create the ideal environment for a lively discussion on the latest results on GaN electronics and optoelectronics. Presenting an oral at the GaN marathon will ensure in-depth discussion with top-researchers in the field, high-level networking, and a prompt feedback on the latest results. Contributions from the top European projects on GaN will be also presented.

The event will be held in a unique location, the Cavalli-Franchetti palace  ( located in the heart of Venice, on April 27-29, 2020.

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Organizing Committee: Matteo Meneghini, Carlo De Santi, Enrico Zanoni, Gaudenzio Meneghesso, Fabiana Rampazzo (University of Padova)

Scientific Committee: Matteo Meneghini (Univ. Padova, Chair), Frank Altmann (Fraunhofer, IMWS), Oliver Ambacher (Fraunhofer, IAF), Thomas Detzel (Infineon, Austria), Juraj Marek (STUBA), Farid Medjdoub (IEMN), Piotr Perlin (Unipress), Ulrich Schwarz (TU Chemnitz), Arno Stockman (ONSemiconductor), Martin Strassburg (OSRAM-OS), Andreas Waag (TU Braunschweig), William Vandendaele (CEA-LETI), Tim Wernicke (TU Berlin), Shuzhen You (IMEC), Enrico Zanoni (Univ. Padova


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