


Orario di ricevimento: Note: Ricevimento da concordarsi tramite email scrivendo a:

Misure ed acquisizione di dati biomedici
Codice: INP7078884 / Ordinamento: 2017 / Anno Accademico: 2023

Misure ed acquisizione di dati biomedici
Codice: INP7078884 / Ordinamento: 2017 / Anno Accademico: 2022

Misure ed acquisizione di dati biomedici
Codice: INP7078884 / Ordinamento: 2017 / Anno Accademico: 2021

Laboratorio di segnali e misure
Codice: INP6075480 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2020

Laboratorio di segnali e misure
Codice: INP6075480 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2019

Sarah Tonello was born in Brescia, Italy, in 1990. She received the B.Sc. degree (cum laude) in Biomedical Engineering from Politecnico of Milano (PoliMi), Milan, Italy, in September 2012, with a thesis on image processing (tutor: Prof. Giuseppe Baselli). During the M.Sc., she was selected to participate to the “Atlantis CRISP” dual degree project. Thanks to this grant, she participated to a monthly summer school on robotics and assisted surgery in July 2013 at Ecole d’Ingenieurs Telecom Physique of Strasbourg, and then she moved to the University of Florida (UF), Gainesville, FL, USA. There, she completed her M.Sc. and developed her thesis on a controlled method for enhancing angiogenesis in bioengineered tissues in the Laboratory for Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering (tutors: Prof. Peter S. McFetridge at UF and Prof. Gabriele Candiani at PoliMi). In 2014, she received her M.Sc. degree (cum laude) in Biomedical Engineering from UF in August and from PoliMi in October. From 2014 to 2017, she was enrolled as PhD in the program “Technology for Health” at the Department of Information Engineering (DII) of the University of Brescia (UniBS) (tutor: Prof. Emilio Sardini). Her thesis “Printed electronics for biotechnological applications” received several awards in international conferences and as best PhD project. During her Ph.D., she joined the Integrated System Laboratory (LSI) at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland for six months as guest PhD Student, working on the use of nanostructures in electrochemistry (tutor: Prof. Sandro Carrara). From 2017 to 2019 she was Post-Doc at DII in UniBs. Since July 2019 she is assistant professor (RTDA) in the group of electronic measurement in the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of UniPd. In 2017 and 2018, she was actively involved in teaching as assistant professor in the course “Sensors for biosignals” at UniBS and since 2019 she holds the B.Sc. course “Laboratory of signals and measurements” at UniPd.

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S. Tonello, A. Bianchetti, S. Braga., C. Almici (...) E. Cantù, N. Francesco Lopomo, M. Serpelloni, E. Sardini,Impedance-Based Monitoring of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Three-Dimensional Proliferation Using Aerosol Jet Printed Sensors: A Tissue Engineering Application. Materials 2020, 13, 2231,

S. Tonello, F. Stradolini, G. Abate et al. Electrochemical detection of different p53 conformations by using nanostructured surfaces. Sci Rep 9, 17347 (2019).

S. Tonello, M. Marziano, M. Serzanti, D. Uberti, P. Dell’Era, N. Inverardi, C. Gualandi, M. L. Focarete, M. Borghetti, N. F. Lopomo, M. Serpelloni, E. Sardini, Ink-Jet Printed Stretchable Sensors For Cell Monitoring Under Mechanical Stimuli: A Feasibility Study, JMMB,sept. 2019, DOI: 10.1142/S0219519419500490

N.G. Di Novo, E. Cantù, S. Tonello, E. Sardini, M. Serpelloni, Support-Material-Free Microfluidics on an Electrochemical Sensors Platform by Aerosol Jet Printing, Sensors (Basel). 2019 Apr 18;19(8). pii: E1842. doi: 10.3390/s19081842.

S. Abdullah, S. Tonello, M. Borghetti, E. Sardini, and M. Serpelloni, Potentiostats for Protein Biosensing: Design Considerations and Analysis on Measurement Characteristics, Journal of Sensors, vol. 2019, Article ID 6729329, 20 pages, 2019.

M. Marziano, S. Tonello, E. Cantù, G. Abate, M. Vezzoli, W. Rungratanawanich, M. Serpelloni, N.F. Lopomo, M. Memo, E. Sardini, D. Uberti, Monitoring Caco-2 to enterocyte-like cells differentiation by means of electric impedance analysis on printed sensors, Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Gen. Subj. 1863 (2019) 893–902. doi:

M.A. Khan, E. Cantù, S. Tonello, M. Serpelloni, N.F. Lopomo, E. Sardini, A Review on Biomaterials for 3D Conductive Scaffolds for Stimulating and Monitoring Cellular Activities, Appl. Sci. 9 (2019). doi:10.3390/app9050961.

P. Bellitti, A. Bodini, M. Borghetti, M. Filippini, N. Latronico, E. Sardini, M. Serpelloni, S. Tonello, Compact low-power wireless system for in vivo evaluation of Heat and Moisture Exchangers performances, Meas. Sci. Technol., November 2018

E. Cantù, S. Tonello, G. Abate, D. Uberti, E. Sardini, M. Serpelloni, Aerosol Jet Printed 3D Electrochemical Sensors for Protein Detection, Sensors (Basel). 2018 Nov 1;18(11). pii: E3719. doi: 10.3390/s18113719.

S. Tonello, G. Abate, M. Borghetti, M. Marziano, M. Serpelloni, D. L. Uberti, N. F. Lopomo, M. Memo and E. Sardini, Wireless Point-of-Care Platform With Screen-Printed Sensors for Biomarkers Detection, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 66, Issue 9, Sept. 2017

S. Tonello, M. C. Moore, B. Sharma, J. Dobson, and P. S. McFetridge, Controlled release of a heterogeneous human placental matrix from PLGA microparticles to modulate angiogenesis, Drug Deliv. Transl. Res., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 174–183, Apr. 2016.