Data e Ora : Monday, November 21, 2011 - 14:30
Relatore : Prof. Giovanni Sambin
Affiliazione : Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata, Universit� di Padova
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
Come si puo` far ridere un robot? Tutte le teorie sono concordi: cio` che scatena il riso e` un contrasto, molto spesso tra le aspettative e la realta`. Ciascuno deve percepire tale contrasto come una propria scoperta, e quindi arrivare a vederlo con un proprio movimento del pensiero (una barzelletta spiegata non fa ridere nessuno). Dato che le buone barzellette fanno ridere tutti, il movimento del pensiero deve essere collettivo, e quindi non puo` che essere una deduzione logica.
Un ipotetico robot per poter ridere deve quindi saper fare una deduzione, ma deve anche sapere di aver fatto una deduzione.
In altre parole, deve non solo saper eseguire delle regole (di deduzione) ma anche saper gestire (distinguere e legare) due diversi livelli di astrazione: linguaggio e metalinguaggio. E` una forma di intelligenza che il robot d`oggi non sa simulare, ma che a ben guardare sta alla base di tutto quello che noi esseri umani consideriamo piu` vivo e prezioso.
Storicamente, lo studio dei sistemi formali (Leibniz, Boole, Frege, Peano, Russell, Hilbert) ha prodotto il concetto di calcolabile (G�del, Church, Turing, Kleene) e infine la concezione teorica dei computer di oggi. Ci si puo` quindi aspettare che un nuovo concetto di sistema formale, con due livelli di astrazione e la loro interazione, possa condurre ad un nuovo concetto di macchina.
Il seminario si inserisce nell`ambito del Corso di Fondamenti di Intelligenza Artificiale.
Data e Ora : Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - 12:30
Relatore : Dott. Davide Piccini
Affiliazione : Pattern Recognition Lab, Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
The Pattern Recognition Lab (Lehrstuhl f�r Mustererkennung - LME) is part of the Department of Computer Science at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and has been headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hornegger since 2005. The research at LME is mostly interdisciplinary and it is mainly focused on medical and health engineering. The main areas of research are: medical image processing, computer vision, speech processing and understanding, and digital sports. The LME has close national and international collaborations with several other universities, research institutes and industrial partners (such as Siemens Medical, Adidas AG and Audi).
The seminar will be diveded into two parts: introduction and description of the current research projects at LME and brief presentation of two projects related to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Project 1:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is finding increased application in guiding interventional procedures, particularly percutaneous needle- and catheter-based interventions, due to its high soft-tissue contrast and multi-planar capabilities. This talk will give a snapshot of passive needle guidance and real-time temperature measurement with MR for minimally invasive ablation procedures.
Project 2:
Featuring excellent soft tissue contrast, free-breathing, whole-heart coronary MRI (CMRI) is a promising, non invasive, alternative to X-ray coronary angiography, which avoids exposure to ionizing radiations. However, current navigator-gated CMRI approaches do not yet meet the requirements of clinical practive as they perform with sub-optimal accuracy and require prolonged acquisition times. This talk will give a short description of the main challenges of CMRI, with a particular focus on respiratory motion correction. An innovative solution will be described and compared with a conventional approach.
The homepage of the LME is: A list and a description of all the projects as well as an overview of the team at LME can be found at:
Data e Ora : Friday, May 20, 2011 - 14:00
Relatore : Dott. Francesco Solazzi
Affiliazione : Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
Gli interruttori MEMS a radiofrequenza (RF), o RF MEMS (acronimo che sta per Micro-electro-mechanical Systems, cio� Sistemi Micro-Elettro-Meccanici) offrono altissime prestazioni in termini di perdite e consumo energetico rispetto ai dispositivi a stato solido. Inoltre promettono una soluzione pi� compatta e low cost rispetto agli interruttori elettromeccanici usati attualmente come switch di ridondanza nei satelliti. Il loro completo impiego in questo ambito � tuttavia ancora frenato da alcuni problemi di affidabilit�. Per questo lo studio dell�affidabilit� a lungo termine degli interruttori RF MEMS costituisce uno degli argomenti pi� caldi nell�ambito della ricerca avanzata in questo settore. Il seminario si propone di mostrare e spiegare i recenti risultati ottenuti dalle misure di affidabilit� a lungo termine su interruttori MEMS fabbricati presso la Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) di Trento.
Data e Ora : Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 11:30
Relatore : Dott. Francesco Solazzi
Affiliazione : Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
Luogo : Aula Ae
Descrizione :
I MEMS (acronimo che sta per Micro-electro-mechanical Systems, cio� Sistemi Micro-Elettro-Meccanici) sono componenti essenziali in molte applicazioni tecnologiche divenute ormai di uso quotidiano. Il grande vantaggio della tecnologia MEMS consiste nella capacit� di integrare circuiti micro-elettronici e dispositivi elettro-meccanici o opto-meccanici su uno stesso substrato di silicio. Un sistema cos� composto non solo offre numerose funzionalit� prima impossibili con la sola elettronica digitale, ma permette anche la realizzazione di veri e propri sistemi intelligenti (smart systems), in grado di interagire con l�ambiente esterno e riconfigurarsi all�occorrenza. In questo seminario verr� fornita una vasta panoramica di questa tecnologia, mostrando esempi commerciali di successo e alcuni tra i pi� recenti sviluppi nel campo della ricerca.
Data e Ora : Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 15:00
Relatore : Prof. Eli Upfal
Affiliazione : Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
Cancer is a disease driven by somatic mutations that accumulate in the genome during an individual`s lifetime. Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies are enabling the measurement of these mutations in many cancer samples. However, distinguishing
functional driver mutations responsible for cancer from random passenger mutations remains a challenge. We develop two mathematical models to address this challenge. These models rely on the observation that driver mutations target a relatively small number of signaling and regulatory networks in the cell. In the first model, we use a diffusion process on graphs and a novel statistical test to identify groups of interacting genes, or pathways, that are mutated in a significant number of cancer samples. In the second model, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach to identify groups of genes
whose mutations are mutually exclusive (or nearly so) in a large number of samples. I will focus on the mathematics and algorithmic aspects of the work and illustrate applications of our approaches to real mutation data from The Cancer Genome Atlas.
This is joint work with Ben Raphael and Fabio Vandin from Brown University.
Data e Ora : Thursday, May 12, 2011 - 15:00
Relatore : Dott. Alberto Andrighetto
Affiliazione : INFN Padova
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
L`obiettivo principale del progetto SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) � quello di effettuare, attraverso la produzione di nuclei lontani dalla stabilit�, ricerca di frontiera nel campo della fisica nucleare. In particolare SPES si concentra su nuclei radioattivi `neutron‐rich` nel range di numero di massa 80‐160. Questi vengono prodotti attraverso la tecnica ISOL, a partire dalla fissione di U238 indotta direttamente da protoni accelerati. L`elemento pi� critico ed innovativo del progetto SPES � quindi costituito dal target, il cui design � stato ottimizzato per sostenere la deposizione di potenza del fascio di protoni (40 MeV, 0.2 mA).
Data e Ora : Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - 10:30
Relatore : Dr. Roald Otnes
Affiliazione : Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) is the prime institution responsible for defence-related research in Norway. The talk will give an overview of FFI`s activities related to underwater acoustic communications. Topics include:
- Autonomous underwater sensor networks, with the demonstrator system NILUS (networked intelligent underwater sensors).
- Underwater acoustic channel measurements and channel simulation, with the channel simulator `Mime`.
- Acoustic propagation modelling with Lybin.
- FFI`s participation in the EDA project RACUN (robust acoustic communications in underwater networks).
Data e Ora : Thursday, April 7, 2011 - 14:00
Relatore : Prof. Liuqing Yang
Affiliazione : Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University, USA
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
Though tremendous progress has been made for land-based radio frequency (RF) wireless communications, research in underwater acoustic (UWA) communications is still at a primitive stage. On the other hand, the ocean covers 71% of our planet, and is becoming the center stage as the resource shortage drives us to モthe dawn of deep ocean mining.ヤIn this area, our research focus is on the horizontal underwater communications where the channel conditions are very challenging with extensive multipath and Doppler-induced variation. Our group has developed several pioneering approaches. Some were recently tested in sea trials carried out by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) at the Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island and in Elba, Italy. The results are very encouraging as our robust designs achieve superb performance even when existing alternatives fail, especially in turbulent sea. In this presentation, we will also introduce some of our designs and results on UWA.
Data e Ora : Thursday, February 24, 2011 - 15:00
Relatore : Dott. Luca Sanguinetti
Affiliazione : Universita` di Pisa
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
The objective of this talk is to present an up-to-date unified mathematical framework for the design of linear and non-linear MIMO transceivers in single- and multi-hop networks in which the system performance is measured according to an arbitrary cost function. Majorization theory is the underlying mathematical theory on which the framework hinges.
Data e Ora : Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 14:00
Relatore : Prof. Matthieu Bloch
Affiliazione : Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
The standard practice of adding authentication and encryption to the existing protocols at the various communication layers has led to what could be rightly classified as a patchwork of security mechanisms. Given that data security is so critically important, it is reasonable to defend that security measures should be implemented at all layers where it can be done in a cost effective manner. Interestingly, one layer has remained almost oblivious to this shift towards secure communication: the physical layer, which lies at the lowest end of the protocol stack and converts bits of information into modulated signals. The described state of affairs is all the more striking as randomness, generally perceived as a key element of secrecy systems, is abundantly available in the stochastic nature of the noise that is intrinsic to the physical communication channel. This observation has driven a significant amount of research towards the study of security technologies that are embedded at the physical layer of the protocol architecture, a segment of the system where little security exists today. In this talk, we will present the information-theoretic limits of secure communications at the physical layer and discuss the construction of practical coding schemes to highlight the challenges and opportunities related to the design of physical layer security schemes.
Data e Ora : Friday, January 28, 2011 - 15:00
Relatore : Dr. Apostolos Georgiadis
Affiliazione : Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
RFID`s and wireless sensors are being used in an increased number of applications including identification, tracking, monitoring, logistics and security. As a result, there is a growing need for highly efficient, environmental friendly, and energy autonomous nodes. Additionally, low cost, compact and conformal nodes are being sought. The presentation will review commonly employed energy harvesting technologies such as solar, electromagnetic, thermal and vibration, and provide performance limits and application scenarios as well as challenges associated with materials and integration. Finally, design efforts related to a flexible, hybrid solar/electromagnetic energy harvester will be presented.
Data e Ora : Tuesday, January 25, 2011 - 14:30
Relatore : Dr. Amedeo Cesta
Affiliazione : Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione ISTC - CNR, Roma
Luogo : Sala Riunioni III piano DEI/G
Descrizione :
In questo intervento il relatore illustrer� la sua esperienza in un`area emergente riguardante l`uso di tecnologie software e robotiche per assistenza continua ad anziani soli in casa. Presenter� il progetto RoboCare nell`ambito del quale sono stati studiati alcuni modi di integrare tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale per creare un ambiente fisico di supporto alle persone. In particolare saranno presentati alcuni risultati di quel progetto legati al monitoraggio continuo e alla generazione di interazioni contestualizzate uomo-robot. Verr� considerata anche la rilevanza di studiare i problemi legati alla accettabilit� di queste nuove tecnologie. Si far� infine riferimento ad alcuni progetti in corso su temi simili.
Il seminario � organizzato nell`ambito del corso di Intelligenza Artificiale, Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica, tenuto dalla Prof.ssa Silvana Badaloni.
Data e Ora : Monday, January 17, 2011 - 15:00
Relatore : Dr. Giuseppe Vallone
Affiliazione : Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit� di Roma La Sapienza
Luogo : Aula Magna `A. Lepschy`
Descrizione :
Using the laws of quantum mechanics for computation may lead to larger advantages for the resolution of extremely complex problems. For instance, a quantum computer exhibits larger computational power with respect to classical one. Quantum optics represents an excellent experimental test bench for several fundamental concepts introduced within the framework of quantum information (QI) theory. The creation and manipulation of entanglement, a unique resource characterized by correlations between different systems not allowed in the classical world, is a key ingredient for QI. We present the production a new family of multipartite entangled states realized with two photons and we experimentally simulate the presence of noise. We then tested the robustness properties of the states. We will also present the realization of the Deutsch-Jozsa (DJ) algorithm able to discriminate in a single run between constant and balanced n-bit functions. For a 2-bit function we used a two-photon six-qubit state. The presented experiments represent useful and necessary proof of principles but suffer from bulk optic limitations: low phase stability and large physical dimension. The emerging strategy to overcome these limitations and to move forward applications outside laboratory consists of taking advantage of the robustness and compactness achievable by integrated waveguide technology. We report the realization of a directional coupler, fabricated by femtosecond laser waveguide writing, acting as an integrated beam splitter able to support polarization-encoded information. Using this device, we demonstrate quantum interference with polarization-entangled states and singlet state projection