News: Avvisi

SSIE Summer PhD School

Dal 10.03.2021 al 08.07.2021

The Summer School of Information Engineering (SSIE) – “Silvano Pupolin”, is normally held every summer in Bressanone (BZ), Italia. SSIE is co-organized by Michele RossiMatteo Meneghini and Gaudenzio Meneghesso (Department of Information Engineering at the University of Padova), and by Tiziana Tambosso and Bernardo Tellini (of the IEEE Italy section).

SSIE 2021 edition will be held in online mode due to the covid pandemic. 

School dates: 12-16 July, 2021. Online Event.

SSIE 2021 is jointly organized by the IEEE Italy, by the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of UNIPD and by the EU ITN project Windmill. This will be a special edition (30th anniversary), featuring 24 top-level speakers who will give lectures and seminars.

The school features two tracks (machine learning and applications and electronics), two plenary speeches and a half-day student workshop, where PhD students will have an opportunity of presenting their technical work (the best talk will receive an award, jointly presented by DEI@UNIPD and IEEE Italy). SSIE 2021explores timely and cutting edge research areas, including, machine learning techniques, energy efficient electronics and ICT applications. The program includes:

  • Machine learning theory: lectures on cutting edge machine learning theory, including, including, “a short course on Reinforcement Learning”, “Convolutional Networks on graphs”, “explainable artificial intelligence”, “learning for non-stationary environments”, etc.
  • Telecommunication networks: ML for software networking and 5G network automation, and cyber-security (e.g., authentication);
  • Biomedical applications and robotics: explainable machine learning for health applications and ML algorithms for robots;
  • Energy efficient electronics and energy harvesting: materials, designs and architectures for highly energy efficient electronics.


You can register here